DEP- Accounting in French or English in synchronous mode (online)
-Free program
-Choice to follow the courses in synchronous mode (virtual classes)
- Flexible day and evening schedules - Eligible for loans and grants
- The diplomas will be issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEES)
Objectives of the program:
The training is given at a rate of 30 hours per week, we can adapt it to a minimum rate of 20 hours per week. It is recommended that you have two screens on your computer. Accounting is a practical discipline, consisting in schematizing, cataloging and recording the quantified data making it possible to reflect and qualify, for an agent or an entity, both the extent of its economic activity and its consequences on the inventory of its assets . ctions, etc.
Program duration:
(12 months)
Conditions of admission:
To be admitted to this secretarial program, it suffices to meet one of the following conditions:
The person holds a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent (e.g. attestation of equivalence in level of education) or a higher education diploma, such as a college diploma or a bachelor's degree.
OR The person is at least 16 years old on September 30 of the school year in which he begins his training and obtained Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs of 'studies established by the Minister or carried out apprenticeships recognized as being equivalent.
OR The person is at least 18 years old at the time of undertaking his training and has the functional prerequisites, that is, the successful completion of the general development test as well as the specific prerequisites (see the table below), or has achieved learning recognized as equivalent.
OR The person has obtained Secondary III credits in the language of instruction, second language and mathematics in study programs established by the Minister and will continue his general training in conjunction with his professional training to obtain Secondary IV credits which he is lacking in the language of instruction, the second language and mathematics in study programs established by the Minister.
List of modules:
Profession and training
Seeking information Tables and charts
Excel Logitell
Parts calculation
Digital Sofad
Layout Sofad parts processing
Writing in French Cash management
Get an electronic printer calculator (required) Business law Professional interactions Common tasks (2 guides) GD
List of modules:
Payroll production
Groupe GD Access
Logitell data processing
Efficiency Writing in English Sofad
Numérique Communication in English CEMEQ Cost of goods and services
End of Sofad period tasks End-of-year tasks Sofad Professional development Income statement Groupe GD DT-MAX GD
Group accounting system Work integration