001 (514) 395-8585
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Maximize the success and study online!

Orientation & Advice:
We offer a professional guidance service to advise you when choosing training programs, course choices, career paths as well as the job market.
We will analyze your needs taking into account your professional preferences such as your:
· Interests
· Values
· Aptitudes.
· Learning style;
· Preferred working environment.

Language courses:
To know more abourt our online francization courses.....

Search for accommodation:
We assist you in your housing search. We can also put you in contact with other guests for a flat share or for a small stay while waiting to find your ideal accommodation.

Level of studies:
Diploma of Professional Studies
College diploma
University Degrees:
Undergraduate and graduate level.

Study Destination:
Montréal (FR-ENG)
Châteauguay (FR-ENG)
La Prairie (FR)
Saint-Hyacinthe (FR)
Granby (FR)
Cowansville (FR-ENG)
Beauce (FR)
Ottawa (FR-ENG)
Sherbrooke (FR-ENG)
British Columbia (ENG)
Vancouver (ENG)

Integration & Job research
We believe that the wealth of a company goes through its staff. It is for this reason that we innovate with an individual-based approach by becoming your personal representative. We guarantee to offer you the best jobs and resources matching your criteria.
We are not looking for a profile to respond to a job offer but to find a company that will offer you a job that meets your expectations. Believe us, that's the difference!
We believe that a company’s wealth depends on a made-to-measure service to its customers. That's why YourConnexion Canada is so close to its customers and offers them a service that emphasizes human values.
Our team offers you its know-how, ranging from the analysis of your objectives and profiles to the acceptance of the admission file in one of the available programs!