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001 (514) 395-8585

English- Tremplin DEC 

Program eligible for loan and bursary!

Program Objectives:

  • Improve your English oral and written skills;

  • Broaden your knowledge of Quebec society and the college environment;

  • Develop learning strategies fostering the completion of higher education studies.

Future prospects:

  • Be admitted to a program leading to a college diploma (DEC)

  • Pursue university studies

  • Facilitate integration into the labor market In addition to this, you need to know

more about it.

Courses offered:




180 hours (12 hours per week)

  • Oral English 1 for allophone 3 h/week (45 h)

  • Written English 1 for allophone 3 h/week (45 h)

  • Integration into Quebec society 3 h/week (45 h)

  • Use of learning strategies 3 h/week (45 h)


2ND SESSION: 195 hours (13 hours per week)

  • English 2 for allophone 3 h/week (45 h) 

  • English communication 3 h/week (45 h)

  • Plan your academic and professional development  3 h/week (45 h)            

  • Initiation au français langue seconde  4 h/week (60 h)


Class schedule

Weekend time from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Evening time from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Week time from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (4 x / week)

Week time from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (4 x / week)



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Temporary foreign worker recruitment agency permit number issued by the CNESST:  AR-2000256

© YourTeam International 2021


1168, Sainte Catherine West #101, Montreal,

Québec, H3B 1K1, Canada

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