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Our study programs

Did you know that you have the right to free education?

Quebecers, permanent residents and refugees are eligible for free education. In addition, all of our programs are eligible for loans and bursaries. Contact us for more information...
YourTeam International offers you its know-how, ranging from the analysis of the student's profile to the acceptance of the admission file in one of the renowned educational establishments in Quebec.  
Know that we offer you tailor-made advice to meet your academic objectives.

Take advantage of our services now!

ASP - Starting A Business

Acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow you to start a business

DEP- Accounting

Accounting is a practical discipline, consisting of schematizing, listing and recording numerical data.


DEP - Secretariat

The secretariat is an office job that consists of taking care of mail, telephone communications and all other administrative tasks.

DEP- Sale of motorized equipment parts 

Acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to advise the client.

DEP- Professional Sales

Acquire the knowledge necessary to become a qualified retail salesperson

DEP- Automotive Sales 

The Automotive Trade Salesperson works on the sales floor in the commercial establishment, face to face with customers.

ASP - Representation

Non-technical sales representatives

ASP- Medical secretariat

Medical secretaries perform a variety of secretarial and administrative duties in doctors' offices, hospitals, medical clinics and other medical settings.

Tremplin DEC (French or English)

  • Improve your oral and written French or English skills

  • Broaden your knowledge of Quebec society and the college environment

  • Develop learning strategies that promote success in higher education

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